Paul Kitchen | Life Forces

“Can we see, what they don’t want us to see? Look at me. I’m somewhere in the middle. Of life forces, and the nuclear dream.” I wrote this song in 1982, inspired by the China Syndrome movie. This performance was recorded after the Chernobyl Disaster in 1988. Awful that it’s in the news again today. Full video on my YouTube channel. 

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Paul Kitchen | You’re Still My Baby Tonight 2022 Video

Paul Kitchen | You’re Still My Baby Tonight 2022. From the album ‘Black & Grey’. I wrote this song over 30 years ago, and recorded this version on New Years day of this year. This is a reworking of the previously released version from the ‘A Matter of Time’ album in 2000. I’m disturbed that I finished this new video on the day Russia invaded Ukraine. My thoughts go out to all the people who will be affected by this war – by any war – on any side. But today I stand with the people of Ukraine in the face of Russia’s unprovoked attack.

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Paul Kitchen | It Can Happen to You | Live From the inSync Asylum

Paul Kitchen | It Can Happen to You Live From the inSync Asylum. The 29th date on my ‘No Rhyme or Reason Tour’. I chose to do It Can Happen to You, originally from the1982 collection of songs ‘Silent Tears’, and to-date unreleased. Pretty cool doing a song 40 years later. Like many older songs, I have no idea what was on my mind at the time. As on the other videos from this series, I did the take sans headphones or monitoring the guitar, which contributes to the stripped down mood. If you like it please share, and check out the studio versions on my website.

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