I recorded and filmed this performance of ‘No Goodbyes’ on 1-24-2025 for the 37th date on my ‘No Rhyme or Reason Tour’. I wrote the song in 2018 and originally released it on the album ‘Blue Tattoo’.
I started with stripping down the Blue Tattoo track, and adding a guitar track, keyboards and bvox. I used a drum part I played in 2018 but did not use then. As before, I recorded the track without headphones or monitoring the guitar, which was later run thru a NeuralDSP plugin.
The video was recorded via three webcams to a single 4K video file in OBS studio.
For the 35th date on my ‘No Rhyme or Reason Tour’. I recorded and filmed this performance of ‘I Talk to Jesus’ on 1-9-2025. I wrote the song in 1988 and released it on the ‘Lost in Babylon’ album in 1989.
For this track, I pulled up the original 8 track recording and stripped it down, keeping only the keyboard bass riff, a couple guitar snippets, and a keyboard in the middle solo section. I added a live guitar and vocal, bass, keys, bvox, drums and loops. I ran the original keyboard bass riff thru a DS Audio Tantra plugin, as well as one of the drum loops, and had a new groove for the song.
As I have done on previous Live From the inSync Asylum videos, I recorded the track without headphones or monitoring the guitar, which was later run thru and Neural DSP Morgan Amp plugin.
As for the song, I’ve never thought of it as a religious song, but more one of desperation. When I did the Lost in Babylon album, I was reading the bible, with some of the tracks veering toward the apocalyptic (like the leadoff track ‘Take a Nail’). I still think it’s one of my better albums, though it’s starting to sound exactly like it was recorded over 35 years ago. Check out if you haven’t already.
I recorded the demo for Acquiesce in September 1983, and I don’t believe I’ve ever sang it live. So it was fun doing it for the first time on this ‘Live from the inSync Aslyum’ video. I took the basic track from my Potshots from Over the Hill retread track, and stripped it down. I kept a couple keyboard tracks from all those years ago, and added a couple new ones, plus keyboard bass and drums. I recording it live without headphones or monitoring the guitar, which I later ran through a couple of Neural DSP plugins. I played my $90 lefty strung righty mexicaster, which is stock for all I know. Not the worlds greatest guitar, but I won’t say that – it might hear me….
Anyway I hope you like the song. Happy Holidays, New Year etc…
Welcome to Episode 51 of my podcast. Let me take you on a tour of over 45 years of words and music, Strings Attached. We’ve got a new name, but we’re still free range and use the words Zazen and Zafu every now and then. This episode features a look back at my 2024 releases and videos.
If you like this Podcast, please share it on your social media – and any feedback is welcome.