The Making of Turquoise in Blue

I thought about doing a follow-up to my 2022 album ‘Black & Grey’ for a while and finally got the opportunity to get started on it this past summer.  The concept behind all of the ‘Live From the inSync Asylum’ albums was to revisit songs I hadn’t sung for a long time, and film it as well.  With ‘Turquoise in Blue’, I took my time, and think I ended up with another nice recording.  The process is basically figuring out what song I want to attempt and seeing if I have a suitable backing track already available to use.  When I have one, I strip it down as far as I can and start again.  When I don’t have one like on ‘Only You Know Why’ –  a song I wrote 44 years ago, I start from scratch.   

I go into more detail in the ‘Turquoise in Blue’ update video below.  Check it out and be sure to let me know if you like the album – and share it while you’re at it. Also, most of my activity recently has been on my YouTube channel, so please subscribe to that.  Thx Paul. 


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Magic Moon Remaster Out Today

The Magic Moon remaster is out today. Originally released on my 62nd birthday in 2019, Magic Moon was my second covers album, this time focusing on songs I’d like to cover. The reissue features remastered versions of tracks written by Jackie DeShannon, Donnie Fritts, Immaculate Fools, Neil Diamond, Dan Penn, John Mellencamp, Tom Petty, Kris Kristofferson, Bob Dylan, and others. Also featuring two bonus tracks not on the original release. Silver Moon written by David Sylvian, and Let Go originally by Frou Frou and Imogen Heap. If you haven’t heard it, I hope you listen soon. Be sure to check out the making of article below, as well as the video update on the reissue.

Read the Making of Magic Moon

Download/Stream Magic Moon

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