Podcast Episode 41. Paul Kitchen | Live from the InSync Asylum

Hey, a New Podcast! Episode 41 of Live from the InSync Asylum!

Welcome to Episode 41 of my podcast. Let me take you on a tour of over 45 years of words and music, Live from the InSync Asylum. This episode features an unreleased track from No Poetry Allowed, as well as tracks from Wheelhouse (Remaster), Potshots From Over the Hill, and the new album Fighting Gravity.

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Podcast Episode 39. Paul Kitchen | Live from the InSync Asylum

Hey, a New Podcast! Episode 39 of Live from the InSync Asylum!

Welcome to Episode 39 of my podcast. Let me take you on a tour of over 45 years of words and music, Live from the InSync Asylum. This episode features unreleased tracks from Silent Tears and Drunk Man Live, as well as tracks from Potshots From Over The Hill, and the new album Fighting Gravity.

If you like this Podcast, please share it on your social media – and any feedback is welcome.

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Podcast Episode 38. Paul Kitchen | Live from the InSync Asylum

New Music Update. Episode 38 of Live from the InSync Asylum!

Welcome to Episode 38 of my podcast. Let me take you on a tour of over 40 years of words and music, Live from the InSync Asylum. There’s a new album out there, so I had to do a new episode! This episode features an unreleased track from Vital Sines, and tracks from And We Dream, the new album Fighting Gravity, and Trip Note Vol. 2! Photo by Taran Z.

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Paul Kitchen | Fighting Gravity Album

I have a new album out today, and hope you’ll get a chance to check it out.  There is a bit of a story behind Fighting Gravity, as it is my follow up to the 1993 album And We Dream.  Check out the Making of Fighting Gravity post on my website, as well as the video update I did.  I really like the album, and hope you do too!

Click Here to Download/Stream Fighting Gravity

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The Making of Fighting Gravity

After I finished the album And We Dream in 1993, I worked on an album to be called Fighting Gravity over the next 6 years or so. At some point, I abandoned it and began to focus on the tracks that would become A Matter of Time in 1999/2000 – which was also my first album recorded on a digital audio workstation (DAW).  Some of those early DAW tracks were also meant for Fighting Gravity. During this time I was transitioning away from reel-to-reel 8 track half inch tape with SMPTE time code, to an in the box solution. At the time it was Emagic Logic Audio on the PC, which I had first started using on the Mac.  At some point Apple bought Emagic, decided to stop developing the Windows version, and threw us PC users overboard. Have I used an Apple product since?  Nope.

I’ve been dabbling with some of the tracks on Fighting Gravity since 2012. After digitally transferring the 8 track tapes, I sooner or later learned the process of what I call ‘Retreading’ tracks – bringing them into Cubase and remixing, editing, and adding to them etc.  In the past few years, I also figured out how to import the tracks which were recorded in Logic Audio and exported as Midi and OMF files.  FYI, 2020’s Potshots From Over The Hill is a retread album.  And now so is Fighting Gravity: where you might have a vocal from 2022 and 1998 on the same song. Same goes for the guitars, keys, drums etc.

I also decided to remove a couple tracks that have been released in recent years in one version or another like Crying and One Heartbeat at a Time, instead adding a couple tunes from the same time frame that weren’t initially intended for Fighting Gravity, like This is the Night and One of a Kind – both of which were just bare boned sketches with no lyrics per se.  Once I had 10 tracks, I finally got serious in the last couple years to finish my much-delayed album.

It needs to be said that I think And We Dream was a high point for me – I was in my prime 30 years ago (35 years old then vs. 65 years old now).  So to me, for all intents and purposes, Fighting Gravity is the follow up to And We Dream – 30 years later.  I think it’s a strong album, and nothing like a new album I’d record from scratch today. I hope you enjoy it.

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Podcast Episode 37. Paul Kitchen | Live from the InSync Asylum

New Music Update. Episode 37 of Live from the InSync Asylum!

Welcome to Episode 37 of my podcast. Let me take you on a tour of over 40 years of words and music, Live from the InSync Asylum. I didn’t have to, but I did a new episode! This episode features an unreleased track from Petty Tyrant, and tracks from Potshots From Over the Hill, And We Dream, as well as an unreleased track from the upcoming album Fighting Gravity!

If you like this Podcast, please share it on your social media – and any feedback is welcome.

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