Podcast Episode 34. Paul Kitchen | Live from the InSync Asylum

New Music Update. Episode 34 of Live from the InSync Asylum!

Welcome to Episode 34 of my podcast.  Let me take you on a tour of over 40 years of words and music, Live from the InSync Asylum. It seemed like a good time to do a podcast, since it’s been a couple of months since the last one. This episode features tracks from Trip Note: 1978-2018 Vol. 4, Potshots From Over the Hill, and recent single releases of Two Grey Rooms and Ghosts Upon the Road. Check out my Joni Mitchell and Eric Andersen stories, and play it on some good equipment!

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Paul Kitchen | Two Grey Rooms Single

The Two Grey Rooms single will be released Christmas Day. As the Wheelhouse and Magic Moon albums were recently removed from the streaming sites, I wanted to put this Joni Mitchell cover back out there, since it’s been my most streamed track to date. And I love Joni Mitchell. I’ve always thought of and enjoyed her music around the holidays – particularly the albums Blue and Hejira. This was remixed and remastered this December. https://bit.ly/3BRTDI1.

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